The World of Crystalis
Long time Ago....The World was full at War
The War beetween Light and Darkness
In The Light side there's Human with the Pure Hearted Peace
In The Darkness side There're Human that was full of Hated,Greed,and Arrogant
There're The Legendary Crystal in The Light Side...
The Crystalis....
At That war,Crystalis was sacrifice Itself to Give a new hope of the Human
The Peaceful world...But...
at That Price,The Crytalis was shattered by many pieces and was spread over the world
The Human was moved to the New Era
All of The Island was united,With a bond as the Island Nation
But....Many People Believe that someday the War will be Happen again...
And Someone will control the Power of Crystalis to remove evil from The World for The Eternal Peace...
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