Finally, after passing through various kinds of trouble Chapter 1 was completed
Chapter 1 was Completed but not Publicated
Chapter 2 is still 20% of Progress
Story :
Vein was lives in the Vuclip island,one day he have a dream about the crystalis....
In the that dream Vein was meet a strange woman....
The woman tell him about the fate of the Vein and the origin of crystalis
After he wake up from that dream he was suprise because the Dream crystal piece was still
in his hand....
In his mission with his friend Vein was hear another strange sound....
Feature Opened in Chapter 1 :
-Battle Script --> Yanfy Battle Engine+Yanfy ATB+Yanfy AutoBattle
YSA Battle Start Phrase,Monster hp bar(V.M of D.T),MOG-Combo Count
Yanfly - Victory Aftermath
- Option Script --> Yanfly - System Options
- Menu Script --> Claimh-Throw Items Away
Mr. Bubble-Guest System(Just can be seen but not used already)
Seiryuki-Currency Symbol
Bestiary-modern algebra
- Screen Script --> DT's GameOver,Rafael sol maker-Fullscreen and Resolution Script
Website from title - modern algebra
V.M of D.T Game Version Script
- Field Script --> Yanfly Engine Ace - Active Battle Advantage,Prexus Ace - Character Shadow
- Save System --> V.M of D.T Save Naming system
- Add On --> V.M of D.T Mouse System
Not Released system in Chapter 1 :
- Yanfly Engine - Class System
- Guest System (Just can be seen but not used already)
Chapter 1 was Completed but not Publicated
Chapter 2 is still 20% of Progress
Story :
Vein was lives in the Vuclip island,one day he have a dream about the crystalis....
In the that dream Vein was meet a strange woman....
The woman tell him about the fate of the Vein and the origin of crystalis
After he wake up from that dream he was suprise because the Dream crystal piece was still
in his hand....
In his mission with his friend Vein was hear another strange sound....
Feature Opened in Chapter 1 :
-Battle Script --> Yanfy Battle Engine+Yanfy ATB+Yanfy AutoBattle
YSA Battle Start Phrase,Monster hp bar(V.M of D.T),MOG-Combo Count
Yanfly - Victory Aftermath
- Option Script --> Yanfly - System Options
- Menu Script --> Claimh-Throw Items Away
Mr. Bubble-Guest System(Just can be seen but not used already)
Seiryuki-Currency Symbol
Bestiary-modern algebra
- Screen Script --> DT's GameOver,Rafael sol maker-Fullscreen and Resolution Script
Website from title - modern algebra
V.M of D.T Game Version Script
- Field Script --> Yanfly Engine Ace - Active Battle Advantage,Prexus Ace - Character Shadow
- Save System --> V.M of D.T Save Naming system
- Add On --> V.M of D.T Mouse System
Not Released system in Chapter 1 :
- Yanfly Engine - Class System
- Guest System (Just can be seen but not used already)
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